Opening hours

Mon-Sat : 11am - 3pm
Evening : 5pm - 7pm
Sunday : 11am - 1pm
Mon-Sat : 9am - 10am
Evening : 5pm - 7pm
Sunday : with prior appointment only


  •   1st floor, Aryan complex, Opp to panchwati ratnalaya, Gola road, Patna 801503
  •   +91 9934380782

Spinal DAVF Treatment

  • Spinal DAVF treatment involves procedures to correct abnormal connections between spinal arteries and veins, preventing complications.


  • Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) treatment is a specialized medical procedure aimed at managing and potentially curing a condition characterized by abnormal connections between arteries and veins in the protective covering of the spinal cord, known as the dura mater. As a physician, I want to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this treatment.

    1. Diagnosis and Evaluation:

    Before initiating treatment for spinal DAVF, we conduct a thorough evaluation that includes advanced imaging studies such as spinal angiography or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). These tests help us identify the location, size, and characteristics of the DAVF. We also assess the patient's neurological symptoms and overall health.

    2. Understanding the Condition:

    It's important for patients to understand that spinal DAVF is a progressive condition that can lead to neurological deficits and worsening symptoms over time. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment are critical to prevent further damage to the spinal cord.

    3. Treatment Approaches:

    The treatment of spinal DAVF is highly individualized and depends on various factors, including the location and complexity of the fistula, the patient's overall health, and the presence of neurological symptoms. Treatment options may include:

    Endovascular Embolization: This minimally invasive procedure involves threading a catheter through the arteries to the site of the DAVF. Embolic agents, such as glue or coils, are then injected to block the abnormal blood vessels and redirect blood flow away from the fistula.

    Surgical Resection: In some cases, open surgery may be necessary to remove the DAVF. This approach may be preferred when the DAVF is large, complex, or not amenable to endovascular treatment.

    Radiosurgery: Stereotactic radiosurgery, using focused radiation beams, may be considered for certain types of DAVFs, particularly those located in difficult-to-reach areas.

    4. Preparing for Treatment:

    Before proceeding with any treatment, we thoroughly discuss the available options with the patient, taking into account their specific condition and individual preferences. We address any questions or concerns and obtain informed consent.

    5. The Treatment Procedure:

    The specific procedure will depend on the chosen treatment modality, whether it's endovascular embolization, surgery, or radiosurgery. These procedures are performed in specialized settings, such as interventional radiology suites, operating rooms, or radiosurgery centers.

    Endovascular Embolization: This is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia. A catheter is inserted into a blood vessel, typically in the groin, and guided to the site of the DAVF using fluoroscopy and imaging. Embolic agents are then delivered through the catheter to block the abnormal vessels.

    Surgical Resection: Open surgery to remove the DAVF is conducted under general anesthesia. The surgeon accesses the spinal cord through an incision in the back, carefully detaches the abnormal blood vessels, and closes the dura mater.

    Radiosurgery: Stereotactic radiosurgery involves delivering precise doses of radiation to the DAVF using advanced imaging guidance. This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis.

    6. Post-Treatment Assessment and Recovery:

    After the treatment, patients are closely monitored for any neurological improvements or complications. Recovery varies depending on the treatment modality used. Some patients may require rehabilitation to regain function.

    Benefits of Spinal DAVF Treatment:

    Halting progression: Treatment can prevent further damage to the spinal cord.

    Symptom relief: Many patients experience significant improvement in neurological symptoms after successful treatment.

    Enhanced quality of life: Effective treatment can lead to a better quality of life and prevent potential disability.

    Risks and Considerations:

    While spinal DAVF treatment can be highly effective, there are potential risks and complications associated with each approach. These may include infection, bleeding, neurological deficits, or recurrence of the DAVF. We carefully discuss these risks and benefits with the patient to make informed treatment decisions.

    In conclusion, spinal DAVF treatment is a highly individualized approach aimed at managing and potentially curing a complex vascular condition affecting the spinal cord. Timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent neurological deterioration and improve overall quality of life. We work closely with patients to determine the most appropriate treatment strategy, always prioritizing their well-being and long-term health.


