Treatment Category

Spinal DAVF Treatment

Spinal DAVF treatment involves procedures to correct abnormal connections between spinal arteries and veins, preventing complications. ... [ Read More ]

Mechanical thrombectomy

Mechanical thrombectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove blood clots from arteries, restoring blood flow, often used in stroke treatment. ... [ Read More ]

Avm embolization

AVM embolization is a medical procedure using catheters and embolic agents to block abnormal blood vessels, treating arteriovenous malformations. ... [ Read More ]

Aneurysm Coiling

Aneurysm coiling is a minimally invasive neurointerventional procedure using platinum coils to treat and prevent the rupture of brain aneurysms. ... [ Read More ]

Endovascular Neurosurgery

This treatment utilizes catheters and imaging to treat neurological conditions, including aneurysms and strokes, through minimally invasive techniques inside blood vessels. ... [ Read More ]